Berlin über und unter der Erde. Alfred Grenander, die U-Bahn und die Kultur der Metropole
(Berlin above and below Ground)
Information · Cover · Contents
Essays · Editor · In German · Berlin: Nicolai, 2006, 360 pages · Cover and design: gewerkdesign, Berlin · ISBN: 978-91-7331-031-4 · English language available
He was the secret lord of the Berlin underworld. From the turn of the century through the early 1930s, Alfred Grenander (1863–1931) provided the emerging metropolis of the Weimar Republic with an extensive net of subway stations. He was an architect, draughtsman, and city planner; he was an interior decorator, furniture designer, and renewer. And he was a Swede.
With this book, an unknown chapter in the architectural history of Berlin is uncovered. Presenting a plethora of unpublished documents in words and images, it comprises opulent material concerning buildings by Grenander in Berlin and its vicinity. It devotes attention to his importance for today’s discussions of urban planning, and it paints a portrait of the German representative at the world’s fair in St. Louis in 1904, where he was being celebrated as “therenewer of German art.” In addition, the book treats the cultural and technological history of the subway, which as almost no other means of transportation influenced the perceptual habits of people during the first decades of the twentieth century, providing life with its new, metropolitan rhythm.
Contributions by Christoph Brachmann, Alfred Gottwaldt, Durs Grünbein, Falk Jaeger, Sven-Åke Johansson, Jörg Kuhn, Steffie Kuthe, Thomas Macho, Dorrit Müller, Martin Petsch, Ann Katrin Pihl Atmer, Thomas Steigenberger, Anja Steinhorst, Hanns Zischler, and Aris Fioretos.
Berlin zwischen damals und heute
Dirk Böndel 7
Ein unbekanntes Kapitel Baugeschichte
Bitte Nygren 8
Ein Paar Hände. Vorwort
Aris Fioretos 10
Durs Grünbein 25
Ein Schwede baut Berlin
Christoph Brachmann, Steffi Kuthe, Martin Petsch, Thomas Steigenberger 26
Building the Tube
Ulrike Weber 88
Alfred Grenanders Tagebuch und seine schwedischen Wurzeln
Ann Katrin Pihl Atmer 96
Grenanders Berliner Adressen
Alfred Gottwaldt 112
Ansichtskarten von Untergrundbahnhöfen
Anja Steinhorst 128
Durs Grünbein 138
Hanns Zischler 140
Faszination des Untergrunds
Dorit Müller 146
Die Gedenktafel im U-Bahnhof Klosterstrasse
Jörg Kuhn 170
Bayerischer Platz
Durs Grünbein 178
Der Stil des Stahls und der Stil des Steins
Falk Jaeger 180
Farbe im Raum – Farbe im Stadtraum
Christoph Brachmann 190
Der Grenaphon
Sven-Åke Johansson 214
Katalog zu den Werken von Alfred Grenander
Christoph Brachmann et alii 216
Verzeichnis der Bauten Alfred Grenanders
Thomas Steigenberger 332
Literaturverzeichnis 346
Autorinnen und Autoren 356
Bildverzeichnis 358